If I travel to Chile, wich documents I need to carry?
In order to answer this question, it must be considered…
Can a dismissal be based on the employee’s WhatsApp conversations?
LEGAL ALERT Fourth Notary of Temuco must pay more than…
Can the internal regulations of order, hygiene and safety be sent by e-mail?
Recently, the Labour Directorate (Ord. 635), stated that there is…
Labour protection for victims of frustrated or attempted femicide
On May 9, 2023, Law No. 21.565 was published in…
Reduction of the working week to 40 hours
Last week, the Senate approved with modifications the bill to…
Shareholders’ Meetings
According to the Companies Act, close corporations and joint stock…
Can a letter of dismissal be sent by e-mail?
In relation to the use of technological resources in the…
Publicación Felipe González
Felicitamos al asociado senior del estudio, @Felipe González Ampuero, por…
Buenas prácticas para una buena gobernanza de fundaciones y corporaciones
Te invitamos a informarte sobre las “Buenas Prácticas para una…